News of the week


Advertising platform homepage

On the new homepage of the local community, companies still have the opportunity to advertise their company cost-effectively and effectively. In the important area of online bookings and sales, there is a platform here that is directly related to the local community.
When applying for a branch of business (e.g. winery), there is an annual processing and usage fee of € 30, if you are present twice (e.g. winery + accommodation) an annual fee of € 50.
If you are interested, please send an email to

Grave blessing in the cemetery and the quiet forest

On All Saints’ Day, following the high mass in the parish church of St. Petrus, the grave blessings take place in the new cemetery and in the rest forest.
9.30 a.m .: Festivities
10:45 am: Grave blessing in the cemetery
11:30 a.m .: Grave blessing for the rest of the forest