Fiber optic connections – update


As has already been informed, two companies are currently fundamentally interested in supplying the local community with fiber optic connections for a faster and more stable data network.

The Telecommunications Act allows any interested company to take this measure. This process can only be influenced to a limited extent by the municipal administration. In view of the situation and weighing the different interests, a cooperation with a selected provider cannot be entered into.

One of the companies has already offered specific contracts by post and telephone that include the free house connection. This offer is initially valid at least until the end of February. The second company has not yet started advertising and acquisition activities. A free house connection is also promised by this. A specific timeline is not yet known.

In the short term, no binding statement can be made by the municipal administration on the further course of action of the providers. It is therefore recommended that homeowners take their own responsibility for making a decision about concluding a contract.