The Moselle-wide art event “Art on the River” is taking place again this year. Over the weekend, 33 locations will be offering a wide range of exhibitions and workshops.
In Lieser, 6 artists and communities are taking part in this event.
Atelier im Garten, Ursula Müller, Zum Niederberg 13- Künstlergemeinschaft, LebensART- natürlich -lebendig-vielfältig, Sat. 14.30-17.30 Sylvia Nels, Eifeler Mundartsängerin, Sun. 14-17 h Kleinkunstbühne, Handpanklänge, heilsames Singen, Workshops: Theatre improvisation and Sun. 11.30-14 h Intuitive painting
Yi Zheng Lin, Am alten Posthof 8- Sculptures and installations
Carmen Kerl, Bärley 10 – Carmacrylics- Acrylic Pouring on canvas, open Sat. 11am-6pm, Sun. 11am-4pm
Visitors can expect a colourful selection of acrylic colour paintings with immediate sale.
Kunstscheune Uli Erbes, Kirchstr.3 -acrylic paintings, drawings, picture books, painted barrel staves open Sat. from 10 a.m. until dark, Sun. 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Programme for children: “The story of the Lieserer Paulsbrüder and his goat” Sat. & Sun. each 3 pm Picture book reading with the hand puppet ULI ECHSE Uli tells the exciting and funny story of the picture book saga
Arthof Lesura, Moselstr. 44- Exhibitions, caricaturist Dimitri Furman, workshop – Japanese bookbinding art, live music with saxophonist Pavel Trachov,
sunset soap bubble flashmob art
Mana Binz at Weingut Thanisch,- Brilliant wine by Thanisch and the beauty of art by Mana Binz Moselstr. 56 open Sat. & Sun. from 2-6pm
The beautiful Moselle – a view of this special river. The connection between wine, bottle and glass art, Lady Moselle 1 and 2 as well as motifs of the connection between the world, wine, home and Lieser. The Thanisch winery offers a unique experience: Killing me softly-Sabrage: Sharp blade decapitates Moselle sparkling wine
Further information on the website of Faszination Mosel – please click here
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