Heavy rain prevention project group “hands on itself”!


“Small measures with a big effect or just do it”, true to this motto, the project group for prevention of heavy rain organized a day of action. There is a rainwater retention basin above the Im Kirchberg road in the vineyards. This has been pretty much forgotten in recent years and has grown over with trees, bushes and hedges. In addition, it has largely lost its important function of holding back heavy precipitation. This point was recognized as a necessary measure from the inventory to improve the prevention of heavy rain and was included in the implementation concept. What exactly was to be done now? The throttling of the retention basin and thus the basic retention capacity of the basin had to be checked and restored. Extensive cleaning measures were initially necessary for this. Undergrowth was removed, access to the basin was made, the inlet cleared of vegetation and debris and fitted with a simple but effective log restrictor/overflow system. “Costs are close to zero, the amount of work is manageable but an “absolute plus” in terms of safety for the entire village population” is the conclusion. An example that could and should set a precedent…
By the way: In addition to the members of the project group, the 7-year-old (!) son of a member (Jakob Kuhnen) also helped diligently. Every help counts – all fellow citizens, whether young or old, can make a contribution to prevent flooding and heavy rain.