flood and heavy rain prevention


Dear citizens,

not least due to the storm disaster last summer with devastating damage to the Ahr, in the Eifel and other regions, the ever-threatening danger due to heavy rain events has become even more present. We ourselves, as “mourned” residents of the Moselle, have often had to go through such bad experiences in the past. Due to our special topographical location, the risk of heavy rain and flooding threatens us in Lieser more or less “from all sides”.

It is all the more important to take precautions. Making provisions also means making provisions for oneself! The present concept from the Reishner engineering office offers us a good basis for this and lots of valuable information and suggestions that we can implement independently.

A project group has been set up to deal with the concept and the development and implementation of possible higher-level protective measures. Fortunately, interested citizens of the local community have reported and declared their willingness to work on this challenging project, which is designed for a longer period of time.

The project group includes: Markus Berg, Stefan Koch, Jens Kuhnen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Sartor, Jochen Kiesgen (local mayor), Markus Knop (first deputy).

In the meantime, special pages on this topic have been set up on the homepage of the local municipality of Lieser under the heading HeimatOrt, with the heading Heavy rain prevention. The comprehensive concept with an explanatory report, photo documentation, maps, etc. are stored there. Here is the link to the pages: https://www.lieser-mosel.de/starkregen-und-hochwasserpension/

A priority list drawn up by the project group with profiles of specific measures is also available on this website. These will be added successively. The project group will report continuously on this topic on the homepage and also in the newsletter.

Finally, our appeal once again: Heavy rain precautions concern us all! We can all make a contribution to protecting our belongings, life and health. Such a contribution begins with the permanent cleanliness of the vineyard and farm roads, roads, gullies, drains, etc. – Therefore: “Let’s tackle it together!”

Questions and suggestions on the subject can be sent to the project group via the e-mail address of the municipality (gemeindeverwaltung@lieser-mosel.de).

Thanks very much!

Your municipal administration and project group heavy rain